Categories / Childrens NONFiction | Biography and Autobiography | Historical


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Napoleon and the French Revolution

Jim Weiss
Studio Narrated Audiobook Audiobook - 1 hrs 16m

Narrated by Jim Weiss
Publisher: The Well-Trained Mind Press
Language: ENG

ISBN: 9781944481438

Buy now for $15.99

Swordsmen, Saints, and Scholars

Jim Weiss
Studio Narrated Audiobook Audiobook - 1 hrs 22m

Narrated by Jim Weiss
Publisher: The Well-Trained Mind Press
Language: ENG

ISBN: 9781952469862

Buy now for $15.99

The Adventurous Life of Theodore Roosevelt

Jim Weiss
Studio Narrated Audiobook Audiobook - 1 hrs 24m

Narrated by Jim Weiss
Publisher: The Well-Trained Mind Press
Language: ENG

ISBN: 9781952469992

Buy now for $15.99

Who in the World Was The Secretive Printer?

Robert Beckham
Studio Narrated Audiobook Audiobook - 31m

Narrated by Jim Weiss
Publisher: The Well-Trained Mind Press
Language: ENG

ISBN: 9781944481209

Buy now for $13.99

I Said I Could and I Did, Updated Edition

Jim Weiss
Studio Narrated Audiobook Audiobook - 1 hrs 18m

Narrated by Jim Weiss
Publisher: The Well-Trained Mind Press
Language: ENG

ISBN: 9781952469701

Buy now for $15.99

Who in the World Was The Unready King?

Connie Clark
Studio Narrated Audiobook Audiobook - 40m

Narrated by Jim Weiss
Publisher: The Well-Trained Mind Press
Language: ENG

ISBN: 9781944481216

Buy now for $15.99

Who in the World Was The Acrobatic Empress?

Robin Phillips
Studio Narrated Audiobook Audiobook - 28m

Narrated by Jim Weiss
Publisher: The Well-Trained Mind Press
Language: ENG

ISBN: 9781944481230

Buy now for $13.99